
Hello, I am Allan. I grew up on a farm in the king country before moving to Hamilton. I'm a fan of video games, digital media, computers, art and design. I always enjoyed working with and on computers to pursue creative pursuits like drawing, modeling, animating, and coding and wanted to further my knowledge in these areas.

I originally studied information technology in the past but decided I wanted to explore the design side of things to expand my knowledge of how people interact with the world to create better experiences. Over my studies I have strengthened my knowledge not only in the field of media design but also branched out into experimenting with interface and industrial design, which has given me a greater appreciation for how we utilize human skills combined with technology.

Project Description

Fill in the blank is a project about period poverty, especially in relation to young girls in the school environment. Each group member provided a unique perspective and approach to providing solutions in the form of resources for students and teachers and the design of a 3D printable dispensary for tampon products for placement within the school environment to improve access to the products.

For my contribution to the project, I decided to create a 3D printable dispenser system designed for tampons. I chose to create this as the easiest way I saw to give access to health products was to design something inexpensive, modular, easy to create and assemble and cheap to distribute that could be donated to schools.

Fill in the blank