
Hello, my name is Aria Matthews and thank you for viewing my project.

I’m from a small village outside of Whangarei called Maungakaramea and moved to Hamilton to complete my degree.

I have many interests, as I like to continuously learn new things, but a couple of things I am very interested in right now is going out to swim and learning to cross stitch.

My experience with design in this degree was amazing. Being able to get experience in a workplace through the degree was more than I could ask for and continuing to learn about all the design techniques to help my work look the best it can continues to be exciting.

Project Description

My project is a book that can be displayed in people’s homes (for visitors or family members), tourist accommodation, schools, cafes and other venues to learn about some of the historical sites throughout New Zealand together with walks you can take when exploring these sites. This book is intended for people who would like to learn more about New Zealand’s history, how the Department of Conservation is working on keeping the sites preserved and areas they could leave their homes to explore.

I chose to design this book as I have an interest in publication design and am keen to pursue this further in the future. Publication design allows my creative ideas to flow freely whether the design is large or small. I also have an interest in exploring and getting out into the outdoors. Working on this project allowed me to learn more of the history we have in New Zealand and places that I would like to visit in the future. Seeing the work carried out by the Department of Conservation is inspiring as much of their work is not seen by the masses. The book is just another vehicle in which to raise awareness of this work.

The Historic Adventure

thumbnail Aria Matthews